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Primary day is Tuesday, September 11th.  Don't miss this opportunity to exercise your right and responsibility as a citizen. 

How to Vote

  1. Find your polling place and schedule a time to vote Tuesday between 7am-7pm (6am-8pm in some localities).
  2. If you’re already registered, just bring your photo ID (e.g. license, military ID, NH student ID, passport) and vote.
  3. If you're not yet registered, bring a photo ID and a piece of mail (eg. utility bill) addressed to you to register and vote.
  4. If you don’t have a valid photo ID, you can still vote by signing a citizenship affidavit at the polls.
  5. If you have questions or concerns, click here or call the NH Election Day hotline at 866-868-3703.
  6. If you need a ride to the polls, contact us at and we will arrange a ride for you.